tideq - a text editor

This is a text editor for Linux/XWindows to edit plain text files, in special source code for programs and home pages.

It's a native X11 aplication, but resembles a text mode with classic style key commands. Drop-down menus and use with pointing devices are also available. All key assignments, colors and fonts are easily user configurable.

File sizes and number of open files are limited only by available RAM. The text encoding defaults to UTF-8, but also handles ISO-8859 and DOS codepages. Line endings with LF/CR/CRLF.

tideq is an evolving software and this is the first public version.There can and will be errors. It undergoes continued work to wringe out the bugs, improve on existing functions and add new ones.

Contact address for bug reports and suggestions below

This material are copyrighted freeware.
Source code is not available.


Known bug: After Compare, using UnCompare to clear markings and delete inserted blue filler lines with cursor at such a line causes segfault.

Latest Release version 23-01-20

Manual as a plain text file
Executable + manual for 64-bit Linux PC tar+bzip
Executable + manual for 32-bit Raspberry Pi tar+bzip

Additions and bug fixes:
New: Print config added to setup margins and text density.
New: Print with (optional) line numbers.
New: Compare two texts.
Bugfix: AsciiChart, Codepoints beyond U+0xff fails. Bugfix: Font cache crashes under certine conditions.
Bugfix: Vertical split of text window fails with garbled view.
Some other unspecified minor bug fixes.

Archived version first release 22-12-24
Manual as a plain text file
Executable + manual for 64-bit Linux PC tar+bzip
Executable + manual for 32-bit Raspberry Pi tar+bzip